Owen is actually musician Mike Kinsella, known from bands such as American football, Owls or Cap'n Jazz. His latest album as Owen is L'Ami du peuple which translates as 'The people's friend'.
The problem I find with albums by singer-songwriters is that there seems to be a tendancy for them to be bland and unexciting. yes there are some great exceptions to this, but sadly I don't think this is one of them - it's not an album I'm ever likely to choose to play, but it's not bad in that if it was playing I wouldn't turn it off. Rather, it's bland enough that it's fine to have playing in the background. That's the problem for me - there's so much great music around that an album that doesnt leap out at you isn't going to appeal, instead you'll move on to an album that does excite you.
L'Ami du peuple will be released on 2nd July 2013 via Polyvinyl records
Track listing:
1. I got high
2. Blues to black
3. Love is not enough
4. Coffin companions
5. The burial
6. Bad blood
7. Who cares
8. A fever
9. Where do I begin
10. Vivid dreams |