Longlive Rockfest | FESTIVALPHOTO
Longlive Rockfest Third round for this rendezvous now impossible to circumvent alternative music where 5000 people will be expected over 2 days. Headliners of world renown, national figures and local groups will come again this year shake the pits of the 2 scenes. We propose a festive program, audacious, paying homage to the alternative scene (punk, hardcore, metal, ...), so little represented in festivals in France. It is to celebrate it as it should be that we expect many of you at Transbordeur! http://longliverockfest.com/ |
Covered festivals: Longlive Rockfest 2017 |
Here is your lineup!! https://www.facebook.com/longliverockfest/videos/603088513214138/
Fancy an after party on a boat?? Present your ticket to gain entry!!
Architects will be your headliners, check out their incredible new video for Gravity!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GktXlCEJ-HU
Check out the 2016 Aftermovie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcQRQJOwK5s